Ok....i know SOMEONE out there is thinking "Who the hell is this stripper chick anyways? And why does she think she's a barbie???" Or something like that. So im here to scare....errr....TELL you.

Full name: Rachel Lynn Brekke

Nicknames: Rach, Rachie, Race, Ralphie, ChiChi, Lancette, Barbie, Brianne, Drewcilla(yes..thats spelled right..TeeHee), Jennifer(mom calls me that..LMAO), Rachelbaby, Rachiepie, Cynthia, Rachiebabysnookums (my best bud Eveybaby gave that to me)

Age: 17

Birthday: April 26th

Sign: Taurus

Height: 5'7

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Dating status: Single

Fave color: baby blue

Fave 'N Syncer: Lance

Fave BSBer: Brian and Nick (i dont like to lust after married men, so Bri is kinda outta the picture..)

Fave 98* man: Drew

Hobbies: writing, singing, listening to music, Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, fortune telling, etc.

TheSpark.com Official Purity Test

people have fallen in love w/ me since June 20th, 1999.