About Serina

Hey waz up?So you're wnderin what the hell Im like eh?

Well heres the basic facts,to scare the living crap out of you.

Kidding kidding. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Full name:Erika Janelle Leyung Thats right folks,my name is not really Serina,but damn how I wish it was!

nick names:Serina,Baby J,prissy,weirdo chick,asain blondie(please dont ask!),shortcake,Binky

DOB/age:April 9,1982,which makes me 17!Almost legal!

star sign:Aries,and how it shows!I have the temper,the comanding attitude and everything!

dating status:great boyfriend,Brandon 18.Do you really wanna know what he looks like?

looks:5'6,shoulder lenth brown hair,brown eyes,not fat,but not overly skinny either.


What else do you wanna know?Just ask,k?


Visit my attept at web page making

Serina's World: Be prepared to see homepages at their worset,lol,Im kidding!
Back to the main page: Scared you didnt I?Sorry if I scared you for life,lol!

Oh goodie! people came,Im not invisable after all!

it was an itsy bitsy teenie weenie,yellow polka do- HEY!You're still here.Damn..I mean...crap,are you in so much shock you forgot how to click out? Well nevermind,um..stay as long as you like.I have to leave now..um...BYE! *loud foot steps can be heard...SLAM goes the door* BYE 4 NOW