"Everyone was afraid of me cos I was such a freak. No-one would come near me, they were like ‘What the hell’s wrong with him, he’s so weird?’ I didn’t fit in. " *People say that bout me too.*

"Usually girls have a really sensitive side, so you can go mushy on them." *Usually??*

"I used to smoke and that calmed me but I quit cause it wasn’t worth ruining my voice." *:::snickers::: I hear you still smoke. I quit, you can too. =P*

"I’m not good at secrets, so don’t tell me any!" *LOL! Guess what i heard....:::whispers::: Im terrible at keeping secrets too. I only keep 'em if its not that big of a secret to begin with. lol!*

"I know this might sound cheap, but I might take a girl to McDonald’s for dinner." *Thats my dream date. Im a cheap gyrl. NOT LIKE THAT! LOL! I know how your sick minds are working.... =P*

AJ: "I dropped my shorts once while I was swimming. . ."
Howie: "What? Is that true??!"
AJ: "Like I would make that up. It was really embarrasing. There were lotsa girls in the pool, one more beautiful than the other."
Nick: "Things like that can only happen to you AJ!" *BWHAHAHAHAHA! Wish i had been there...::grinz::*

"If I fall in love with a girl, I'd write her a poem - right away!" *Aww....thats sweet.*

"I kissed a girl named Heather through a chain-linked fence." *Anthing for a lil play, huh? LOL!*

[Are any of you virgins?] "I'm not. I'm pretty sure Kevin isn't. He's 27 years old. Myself, Kevin, Howie and Brian are not. I'm pretty sure Nick is not, but you never know. *Duh...did anyone actually believe AJ would be a virgin??

"Why do men have nipples? For girls to kiss!" *HAHAHAHAHA!*

"I've been flashed from the stage. It happened in London, this girl was watching me when I was singing "Return Of The Mack' and then she reached up under her shirt and made me lose my concentration. Then she pulled her bra out, screamed my name and whipped up her t-shirt up and showed me her breasts. I forgot the words and I stopped singing. I was like: 'you lied to me'. . .and then I saw the breasts and i was like 'Oh!' I do not like men who enjoy looking at women's breasts." *Wow! He doesnt like Nick???*

[Describe your first sexual experience.] "Wow! Erm, I was 16 and it was kind of weird cos it was more like a rushed situation. It was a wonderful thing and it was all done right, but it wasn't someone I was in a strong relationship with at the time. We did actually end up getting into one, though. It was a little awkward at first but it was cool and I liked it. I'd do it again. . ." *I cant believe he actually answered that. I'd be like "What???? Hell no!"*

"What turns you on? In a women? Doh, of course! Her eyes. And I love women with long fingernails ‘cos it feels good on your body. I like a women who isn’t afraid to do something on the spur of the moment - like go skydiving, or white-water rafting, or make love naked on a beach in Tahiti. Something just totally off the wall!" *o_o*

"Being honest, when I see an attractive girl I have to say that the first thing I look at is, well, if she's looking at me, her eyes - but if she's not then. . .her booty. I watch it go from side to side. It doesn't matter what size it is but. . .Yeah I know I'm a man. I'm sorry." *Wow...a guy who apoligizes for being a man...its about damn time...*

"I love a girl who has long fingernails, because I like the way they feel on my skin. When a girl rubs the back of my neck and she has long nails, man, that's really nice." *Damn...:::looks down at her short nails:::*

[Have you ever been in love?] "Yes, with my ex-girlfriend Marissa. We went out together for two years. We sometimes see each other, but our realationship isn't like it was before. I hope that one day we will get back together." *.....so thats why Amanda and AJ broke up! She read this quote.*

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