"I bite my fingernails. I’ve bitten them all my life." *Ugh. I do that too. People really nag you for that. My poor Bribear..*

"I have two scars where I had my appendix taken out, but only people who know me really well get to see them cos they’re at the bottom of my tummy!" *Oooh!!! Lemme see!!!!! I wanna see Bri's manly scars!!!*

"They go on about the size of my nostrils and about them sucking things up." *hahahahaha! :::cough::: I mean...no...*

"I have to know someone really well before I’d even kiss them." *Damn! Well, onto plan B....*

"I love steaks, fries and salad." *:::licks her lips:::: oh...me too....im so hungry now...*

"Most of all I like chasing girls." *LOL! Couldnt ya just picture him in a club saying "So..uhh...do you come here often?" LOL!*

[What turns you on?] "Girls." (he grinz cheekily) *Wow! Really?*

[What's been your most passionate experience to date?] "Oh man! It was a long time ago, I can tell you that much! (We probe deeper) It was over a year ago. I don't want to go into details, but there was a sauna involved!" *oooooooooooooh....went to a happy visual place..*

[What about pierced belly buttons on girls - do they do anything for you?] "Yeah, I think they're cool too." *Kewl! Cuz i plan to get one.*

"Actually, I have to say that I don't believe in having a sexual realtionship outside of marriage." *what about the sauna?? Hate to mention it, but AJ already ratted you out...*

"Of course I like to look at pretty girls in the street. What hot-blooded boy doesn't." *Thats for sure.*

[Where do you like to be kissed?] "Harrump! (Pauses for a moment with a cheeky grin on his face) Let's say my neck coz' it's very sensitive. Am I sure? Um. . .Yeah" *Me too. =)*

"Ya know...cause it's got our name on it..Jam on cause BACKSTREET'S got it..." *How many times do ya'all need to say "backstreet" in your songs, anyways? Are you afraid we're gunna forget who we're listening to?*

"No I am NOT Gary Barlow." *Your not?? Damnit! :::leaves:::*

"Boner...that's what we call him." *And exactly WHY do you call him this? ^_-*


"I feel like a corncob..." *A corncob?? Couldnt you have found a better discribing word??*

"It's a 3-D camera." *Huh?*

"It's a little hard to be in 2 or 3 places at once." *A LITTLE??*

"Do you guys mind if we sing you a song?" *Yes, we mind. Get the heck off the stage! 'N SYNC! 'N SYNC! 'N SYNC!*

"When we're home...we're not home." *Huh? Is that possible??*

"I don't wanna a Backstreet Boys cereal." *Aww..but we could have lil Brian Littrell marshmellows!!!!*

"I try to be as sane as possible." *:::snickers:::*

"Well we decided on 'Millennium' being the title of our album due to the fact that we are approaching the 'Millennium' , time wise I think...um we wanted to pick something that would take us through the Millennium and be very symbolic for timewise for the area of the World that we are in right now" *WHAT? You have to read that, like, 5 times to finally understand it!*

"If I had a girlfriend I would probably go anywhere for her." *Probably??*

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